Monday, March 10, 2014

Cycle Smarts BCCC Newsletter

BCCC Newsletter Issue 2 | March 2014 Is this email not displaying correctly?
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In This Issue

  • British Columbia Transportation Plan
  • Langley cyclist's odyssey 
  • Events and Activities 


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Cycling Must be a Key Part of B.C. Transportation Plan
In the Throne Speech on February 12, the Province of B.C. announced that over the coming year, it will “develop a new 10 year transportation plan that will identify the areas of greatest need for investment”. The BCCC will be encouraging the government to make cycling an integral part of the plan.
Specifically, we recommend the Province implement a comprehensive Cycling Strategy that enables residents and visitors of all ages and abilities to safely and conveniently cycle throughout the province for transportation, recreation, and vacation. This strategy includes accelerated investment in cycling infrastructure; improved cycling and driving education; improved standards & more funding for maintenance and hazard removal; amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act; a comprehensive cycling tourism strategy; vehicle speed reduction; and improved integration with transit and ferries. To get involved and support this vision, you can:
For more information, read-up on BCCC's Cycling Strategy.

Water For People: Jason Manning Bike Riding From Japan To Vancouver To Raise Money

February 19th 2014 is the launch date for 23-year-old Langley resident, Jason Manning. Riding his bike from Japan all the way back to Vancouver while raising money for Water for People along the way.
Supporters can find out more from his promo video, donate to his CrowdRise page, and follow his journey on Facebook and Twitter.

Provincial Cycling News

National and International Cycling News



United States


Events and Activities

Want to engage in the cycling community or immerse yourself in the bicycle culture? Here are some events and activities happening near you:

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