French Creek Bridge

French Creek Bridge
                             French Creek Bridge Update – February 2013
The new "Share The Road - Narrow Bridge" signage is now in place. The new signs are erected in advance of the bridge and the existing signs which require all cyclists to use the sidewalk (both approaches) have been removed. This way, those cyclists that want to use the sidewalk can continue to do so. However those that feel safer regarding staying on the road are now able to legally do so with the comfort that drivers are warned of the narrow bridge and the possibility of encountering cyclists.

Feedback on the new signs
We would like to ask that you take a couple of minutes to let us know how you feel about the new signs. A Feedback Form can be found at the bottom of this page.
Feedback on accidents on the Bridge
We would like to ask that you take a couple of minutes to let us know about any cycling accidents that you have been involved in or have witnessed on the French Creek Bridge. A Feedback Form can be found at the bottom of this page.
French Creek Bridge - Sign Option.pdf
French Creek Bridge - Sign Option.pdf
Size : 223.52 Kb
Type : pdf

French Creek Bridge Engineering Report

In November we received a report from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) on improvements to the French Creek Bridge. This report resulted from concerns raised by the Oceanside Cycling Coalition (OCC) re. cyclists being able to safely cross the bridge using either the existing sidewalks or the bridge roadway. In June of this year we conducted an online survey where we asked participants to let us know: a. any safety concerns they had re. the bridge and b. suggestions for improving these concerns. The 60 plus survey respondents overwhelmingly raised concerns about the condition of the existing sidewalks and strongly suggested widening the sidewalks.
In August, at the French Creek Bridge, we presented the survey results to Engineers from the Regional MOTI offices in Nanaimo. They agreed to address two main issues: a. possible changes to the existing signage on the approaches to the bridge as it relates to cyclists. Currently cyclists are supposed to only use the sidewalk and to yield right-of-way to pedestrians. b. options for widening the sidewalks. We also looked at any other simple improvements that could be completed to make the sidewalk entrances safer. Shortly after the meeting, the ends of each of the four concrete dividers at the entrances to the sidewalks were painted by maintenance personnel from Emcon with yellow fluorescent paint to improve the visibility of the entrances.
Bridge Sidewalk recommendations
The MOTI engineering report looked at 3 options for widening the sidewalks: 1. to 1.5 metres, 2. to 2.0 metres and 3. to 2.5 metres.
Note: The existing width of the sidewalk – railing to railing is just under 1 metre.
The cost of the options ranged from:
Option 1 $410.00 to Option 2 $488,000 and Option 3 $ 555,000. The report recommended Option 2 as the best solution.
Quoting the report “Unfortunately, this is not an amount that the Ministry can afford to fund at this time, given other priorities around
the District.  We will however ensure that this project is added to our unfunded projects list (for future consideration) and the widening
of the sidewalk will also be considered during future bridge rehabilitation and/or replacement projects.”
Click on the Link below for the complete report
FRCkBridge survey results.pdf
FRCkBridge survey results.pdf
Size : 264.408 Kb
Type : pdf

MOTI French Creek Bridge Sidewalk report.pdf
MOTI French Creek Bridge Sidewalk report.pdf
Size : 6357.799 Kb
Type : pdf

Feedback on the new Share The Road signs

We would like to ask that you take a couple of minutes to let us know how you feel about the new signs. Please take a couple of minutes to let us know how you feel about the news signs.
Feedback on the "Share The Road" signs
Top of Form
Have you ridden across the bridge since the new signs have been installed?
How do you feel about the new signs?
Bottom of Form
 Accidents on the French Creek Bridge 
OCC is asking for your feedback on any accidents that you have been involved in or have witnessed on the French Creek Bridge. We hope to present this information to MOTI officials in order to help with trying to make safety improvements to the sidewalks on the bridge. Please take a couple of minutes to let us know what happened by filling-in the French Creek Accident Feedback Form below
French Creek Accident Feedback Form
Top of Form
E-Mail address
Approximate Date of Accident
Details of Accident
Bottom of Form

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