What can be done about the number one
national menace on our roads: distracted drivers?
They are killing people or worse - leaving
their victims maimed, sometimes with
brain damage.
who are engaged with their hand-held cell phones
are as dangerous as drunk drivers especially when texting.
It is an illegal addiction much like crack cocaine.
So, dear cycling citizen, "Bicyclists Against
Distracted Drivers" (B.A.D.D.) is gaining momentum
because serious cyclists are observant and care about
pedestrians and fellow riders.
You may save the life of an innocent child.
To be fair, some drivers are tired of bicycle riders who
do not follow the rules of the road. Some of the careless
behaviour of these people scare pedestrians and drivers
alike. "Drivers Against Bad Bicyclists" (D.A.B.B.)
would be the hypothetical organization to reign in the
other half of the cyclist/driver interface.
So please, everyone, do your best to ease the stress
for all users of roads and sidewalks.
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