A Vision for Sustainable Communities by 2020
November 13, 2010
Bowen Park Centre, meeting hall
9 am to 4 pm
Admission is by donation
Keynote speakers
Tania Wegwitz of B.C. Transit: “How can we better integrate our sustainable transportation systems with more liveable communities?”
UBC Professor Patrick Condon, author of Seven rules for sustainable communities: Design strategies for the post-carbon world
Morning panel
Train - Bill Draper: Island Transformations.org
Buses - Dennis Trudeau: director of the RDN Transit
Cycling - David Grey: Greater Nanaimo Cycling Coalition
CarShare - Kurt Fischer: Nanaimo CarShare Co-op
Afternoon panel
VIU - Steve Beasley: Student’s Union E.D.
RDN - Lisa Bhopalsingh: Senior Planner for the RDN
Nanaimo City - Bill Holdom: Councillor
First Nations
Open to the public
Be part of the efforts to make our transportation and our cities more sustainable, liveable, less costly, and more!
Lunch provided for $10/plate by the Thirsty Camel - limited to 100.
Please preregister by sending an email to us at 2020@esvi.ca and indicate whether you wish the meal or not. (Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to reserve seating and food.)
For more information: John @250-716-0930
Sponsored by Energy Solutions for Vancouver Island (Society), VIU Students Union the Mid-Island Co-op and BC Transit
This Blog is for the Oceanside Cycling Coalition. The Coalition, located in the Parksville-Qualicum Beach area of Vancouver Island, is a member of the B.C.Cycling Coalition.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
OCP Reviews
With both Parksville and Qualicum Beach going through the OCP process, there is now a link on the website in the Activities Page to both OCPs. It's very interesting that all public input is online and one can see everything that has been said. In looking at the public input for the Parksville OCP, there are numerous references to cycling and the need for improvements. I know that, living in the RDN and officially outside of both communities, I had tried to register to participate in the Parksville OCP. Initially I was told "No" and that it was basically for Parksville residents. Apparently this is not the case and anyone locally can attend the OCP meetings.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Here is an intersting link that shows bikeshare statistics
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Lantzville to apply for funding to alter trails
Nanaimo Daily News
Published: Saturday, November 13, 2010
The District of Lantzville amended its 2010 financial plan this week in order to receive provincial grant money to connect a section of the trail along the E&N Rail corridor with the Parkway Trail in Nanaimo.
Administrator Twyla Graff said the district already has $389,000 from the federal government's Community Works Fund and has now applied for a further $400,000 from the provincial Towns for Tomorrow grant program.
"We needed to make the amendment to the financial plan in order to spend the money we have already received from the federal government on this project," said Graff.
To meet the eligibility requirements of the provincial grant program, the district needed to demonstrate that it would contribute roughly half of the funding for the $809,100 section of the trail, which would run from the intersection of Aulds Road and the Parkway to Ware Road.
"It's one of six sections of trail that we have planned for the corridor," said Graff.
Published: Saturday, November 13, 2010
The District of Lantzville amended its 2010 financial plan this week in order to receive provincial grant money to connect a section of the trail along the E&N Rail corridor with the Parkway Trail in Nanaimo.
Administrator Twyla Graff said the district already has $389,000 from the federal government's Community Works Fund and has now applied for a further $400,000 from the provincial Towns for Tomorrow grant program.
"We needed to make the amendment to the financial plan in order to spend the money we have already received from the federal government on this project," said Graff.
To meet the eligibility requirements of the provincial grant program, the district needed to demonstrate that it would contribute roughly half of the funding for the $809,100 section of the trail, which would run from the intersection of Aulds Road and the Parkway to Ware Road.
"It's one of six sections of trail that we have planned for the corridor," said Graff.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Victoria Bike Racks
Victoria mulls bike-parking options
Bike parking in front of Mountain Equipment Co-op has become extremely popular since the city got rid of parking meters.
Photograph by: Debra Brash, Timescolonist.com
Downtown bike parking should not be treated as a second-class citizen, says Victoria Coun. John Luton.
"It's part of the continuum. You've got to have the infrastructure — the bike lanes and trails to get people on their bikes, but unless you've got somewhere to put it at your destination then you're suppressing demand," Luton said Tuesday.
Victoria lost almost 2,000 informal bike parking areas when it moved away from parking meters in favour of using parking pay stations last year.
Luton, who is also executive director of Capital Bike and Walk, says providing adequate bike parking has to involve more thought than retrofitting parking stall markers or coming up with minimum bike parking requirements in zoning bylaws.
"What we need to do is tighten up [regulations] to say: these are approved rack designs. You can't just put in any old junk," Luton said.
It's not unusual to see bike racks near buildings that are designed to be accessed from either side that are improperly installed, Luton said.
"There's all sorts of developments where they shove them up against a wall. They become less efficient. You buy a rack that is notionally designed to hold eight bikes or 10 bikes, but if you've pushed it up against a wall, you've cut its capacity in half."
Councillors will be looking at a draft bicycle parking strategy this week. Prepared by consultants Urban Systems Ltd. and Alta Planning and Design, the strategy intends to incorporate best practices and designs from other jurisdictions and makes recommendations on bike rack types and design, and meeting bike parking demand with the likes of bike corrals.
Following the success of the $20,000 covered bike parking in front of Mountain Equipment Co-op, two "bike corrals" were carved out of on-street parking in the 600 block of Johnson Street and the 700 block of Fort Street this spring as part of a pilot by the Downtown Victoria Business Association.
The response has been extremely positive, DVBA general manager Ken Kelly said.
Since the pilot began, the DVBA has received more than 90 comments on the experiment, with 92 per cent from cyclists being positive. Because the corrals aren't covered they were considerably less expensive than the MEC parking — running about $3,500, said Kelly.
"We'll continue this next year and look for other locations," Kelly said.
There's a general reluctance for businesses to give up any on-street parking for anything other than cars. Space for the Johnson Street bike corral was found near the Government Street intersection and did not result in any parking lost. On Fort, the DVBA is looking at relocating the corral, potentially to a space occupied by a planter flanking the mid-block crosswalk on the north side of the street.
Early analysis would suggest there is a need for more of the bike corrals on both a permanent and temporary basis, Kelly said.
"There seems to be pretty substantial use of the bike racks. What we're discovering, however, is these bike racks are used very much by employees who are swinging in and using them for the day.
"We've had some wonderful feedback from consumers who said: 'Give us more.' "
"It's part of the continuum. You've got to have the infrastructure — the bike lanes and trails to get people on their bikes, but unless you've got somewhere to put it at your destination then you're suppressing demand," Luton said Tuesday.
Victoria lost almost 2,000 informal bike parking areas when it moved away from parking meters in favour of using parking pay stations last year.
Luton, who is also executive director of Capital Bike and Walk, says providing adequate bike parking has to involve more thought than retrofitting parking stall markers or coming up with minimum bike parking requirements in zoning bylaws.
"What we need to do is tighten up [regulations] to say: these are approved rack designs. You can't just put in any old junk," Luton said.
It's not unusual to see bike racks near buildings that are designed to be accessed from either side that are improperly installed, Luton said.
"There's all sorts of developments where they shove them up against a wall. They become less efficient. You buy a rack that is notionally designed to hold eight bikes or 10 bikes, but if you've pushed it up against a wall, you've cut its capacity in half."
Councillors will be looking at a draft bicycle parking strategy this week. Prepared by consultants Urban Systems Ltd. and Alta Planning and Design, the strategy intends to incorporate best practices and designs from other jurisdictions and makes recommendations on bike rack types and design, and meeting bike parking demand with the likes of bike corrals.
Following the success of the $20,000 covered bike parking in front of Mountain Equipment Co-op, two "bike corrals" were carved out of on-street parking in the 600 block of Johnson Street and the 700 block of Fort Street this spring as part of a pilot by the Downtown Victoria Business Association.
The response has been extremely positive, DVBA general manager Ken Kelly said.
Since the pilot began, the DVBA has received more than 90 comments on the experiment, with 92 per cent from cyclists being positive. Because the corrals aren't covered they were considerably less expensive than the MEC parking — running about $3,500, said Kelly.
"We'll continue this next year and look for other locations," Kelly said.
There's a general reluctance for businesses to give up any on-street parking for anything other than cars. Space for the Johnson Street bike corral was found near the Government Street intersection and did not result in any parking lost. On Fort, the DVBA is looking at relocating the corral, potentially to a space occupied by a planter flanking the mid-block crosswalk on the north side of the street.
Early analysis would suggest there is a need for more of the bike corrals on both a permanent and temporary basis, Kelly said.
"There seems to be pretty substantial use of the bike racks. What we're discovering, however, is these bike racks are used very much by employees who are swinging in and using them for the day.
"We've had some wonderful feedback from consumers who said: 'Give us more.' "
© Copyright (c) The Victoria Times Colonist
Read more: http://www.timescolonist.com/Victoria+mulls+bike+parking+options/3767128/story.html#ixzz14ZXnzwYz
Sustainable Transportation Symposium
Sustainable Transportation Event
November 5, 2010, 9:19 am
Sustainable Transportation
The keynote speaker will be BC Transit Manager of Strategic Planning Tania Wegwitz who will present a vision of how we can better integrate our sustainable transportation systems with more liveable communities. The afternoon speaker will be UBC Professor Patrick Condon, author of Seven Rules for Sustainable Communities: Design Strategies for the Post-Carbon World. Panel members will include the Executive Director of the VIU Students Union Steve Beasley, Nanaimo city councillor Bill Holdom, First Nations representatives, and people from the Regional District of Nanaimo. The Nanaimo CarShare Co-op, the Greater Nanaimo Cycling Coalition, and RDN transit will also be represented. Related organisations and companies will have display tables.
This forum on sustainable transportation in liveable communities is sponsored by Energy Solutions for Vancouver Island, VIU Students, the Mid-Island Co-op, and BC Transit. It will be held from 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday, November 13, 2010, in the Bowen Park Centre, 500 Bowen Road, and is free to the public. Lunch may be purchased for $10. Pre-registration is encouraged by calling 250-716-0930. For more information call Ian Gartshore at 250-754-0698.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Dollymount Trail Crosswalks
The Dollymount Trail is a huge success - it is amazing how many people are using it daily. However ourmany cyclists are voicing their concerns about a safety issue that exist on both Qualicum Road & Bennett Road - we really see the need for a pedestrian cross walk sign & white lines painted on the pavement that motorists have a visual cue and watch for cyclists.If we want the town to provide the cross walk signage we better start to speak out as a group. So, I urge you all to send a quick message of your own to Luke Sales to express your concerns. Pass this message on to as many cyclists as possible - if we want the change we must speak out! Here is the email address for Luke Sales: Email: lsales@qualicumbeach.com Wayne
Friday, October 29, 2010
Trails on Maps
I was just in Mulberry Bush Book Store and I came across one of the Green Davenport Tourist maps on the Nanaimo and Parksville/Qualicum Beach area. I bought one on Victoria Cycling Routes when we were recently in Victoria before we cycled the Lochside Trail. These maps are quite comprehensive and up-to-date. In looking at the local map about cycling routes/trails, it showed the Parksville to Qualicum Beach Trail - ending at the Parksville end on Pym. It also showed all of the recommended bike routes in Parksville - these are the original ones created back in the 1990's. Interestingly it also showed the Plummer Road Trail - the narrow little walking trail between San Pareil and the Orange Bridge. I would hate to see a tourist referring to this map to find trails and recommended bike routes. I find it interesting that these are the same routes that we recommended in our "Wish List".
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Minutes of October 21 Meeting
Oceanside Cycling Coalition Planning Meeting
Date: October 21, 2010 Place: Lefty’s – Qualicum Beach
In Attendance: John Fair, Len Gibson, Bruce Perry, Stan Brown, Hilda Emery, Val Dyer, Wayne Brown, Steen Laursen, Barry Galenzoski, Jim Swanson
1. Reason for holding meeting - Jim
- Need for coordinated input from cyclists on local initiatives affecting cycling
- Many people locally are cyclists but no one group speaks for them
- Meeting on Nov 15 with Joan Michel from RDN, Fred Pakkala from City of Parksville and Luke Sales from Town of Qualicum Beach to discuss cycling initiatives, concerns in local area
- Parksville OCP about to begin – need for input from cyclists
3.Idea Sharing on concerns
The group came up with 4 local initiatives that they would like to see addressed at the meeting on Nov. 15:
3.1. Completing the Trail from Qualicum Beach to Parksville
- major areas of concern are: 1. Behind Wembley Mall and 2.Lee Road
o Parts of the Trail have little if any paved shoulder – i.e. behind Wembley Mall
o Parts of the Trail have a very rough shoulder and are very dangerous to ride on – i.e. Lee Road
- proper signage and markings on the route to identify the Trail
3.2. Plummer Road
- Constructing a Multi-Use Trail from San Pareil to Parksville.
- Provision should be made for a bridge similar to the Barclay Crescent Bridge across the Englishman just below the Big Tent Campground
3.3. French Creek Bridge on Highway 19A
- Install walkways on the bridge that are wide enough to allow 2 bicycles to safely pass each other
3.4. Maintenance of Shoulders on Highway 19A from Qualicum Beach to Deep Bay to allow for safe cycling
- In some areas the shoulders are very narrow and poorly maintained.
4.Forming a local Cycling Coalition – John Fair
John, who was until recently involved with the BC Cycling Coalition, talked about the benefits of joining the BC Cycling Coalition including lobbying politicians, working with other cycling coalitions, support for local projects. Those attending today’s meeting felt that we should proceed with forming a cycling coalition and to work closely with the BC Cycling Coalition.
5.As many as possible of this group will try to attend the meeting on Nov. 15th.
6. E-Mail and Website – Jim Swanson
Jim will send out the minutes of this meeting via e-mail and will also work on creating a Website and Blog for the group.
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