Thursday, June 4, 2015

Local cycling projects - update

I recently contacted Kelsey Cramer and Joan Michel with the RDN regarding the latest news on the E&N Rail Trail Project and the improvements to Wembley Road which were announced recently by the RDN and MOTI (The Highways Dept). Here is what I received back from Kelsey:

The Rail Trail project is at about 75% design completion.  We are finalizing a few tricky spot along the way and then will need to proceed with obtaining all the required approvals (agricultural, environmental, road crossings etc.).  The project will also be constructed in phases and staff are currently preparing a report to present the options to the Regional Board.  Once this is confirmed, the information will be updated on the project website:

For Wembley Rd, I can’t speak specifically to the MOTI announcement, other than that I understand they intend to do the work in the fall.  Parks has looked at other trail linkages in the Wembley Rd area including separated trail along Lowry’s Rd and developing some off-road trail in undeveloped road right-of-ways in the neighbourhood.  This project hasn’t moved beyond the initial planning stages, but it might be something Joan moves forward with this year.
