Monday, October 5, 2015

Bikes vs Cars Movie in Nanaimo

Bikes vs. Cars - The Movie - Wed. Oct 7th - VIU Nanaimo Campus

The Greater Nanaimo Cycling Coalition and VIU Sustainability are pleased tp screen Bikes vs Cars as part of VIU's Sustainability Fair this coming October.

Bikes vs Cars depicts a global crisis that we all deep down know we need to talk about: climate, earth's resources, and cities clogged with car.s - an ever-growing, dirty, noisy traffic chaos.
Presented at the Toronto and Vancouver Film festivals (to name a few) to rave reviews, this award-winning movie is a must-see .
The bike is a great tool for change and in the film we meet activists and thinkers who are fighting for better cities, and refuse to stop riding despite the increasing hazards of riding in traffic.
Admission is by donation (suggested $5).
Reserve a seat online.
Where -- B 250 R125
Bike parking is beside the gym (B190).
Pay parking is available right beside the building in lot Q. See VIU campus map.

Link to the Trailer for the Movie:

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Local cycling projects - update

I recently contacted Kelsey Cramer and Joan Michel with the RDN regarding the latest news on the E&N Rail Trail Project and the improvements to Wembley Road which were announced recently by the RDN and MOTI (The Highways Dept). Here is what I received back from Kelsey:

The Rail Trail project is at about 75% design completion.  We are finalizing a few tricky spot along the way and then will need to proceed with obtaining all the required approvals (agricultural, environmental, road crossings etc.).  The project will also be constructed in phases and staff are currently preparing a report to present the options to the Regional Board.  Once this is confirmed, the information will be updated on the project website:

For Wembley Rd, I can’t speak specifically to the MOTI announcement, other than that I understand they intend to do the work in the fall.  Parks has looked at other trail linkages in the Wembley Rd area including separated trail along Lowry’s Rd and developing some off-road trail in undeveloped road right-of-ways in the neighbourhood.  This project hasn’t moved beyond the initial planning stages, but it might be something Joan moves forward with this year.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ride with the Qualicum Beach Mayor

Once again, it is that time of year to tune up the bikes and get ready for another great season of riding. For those of you who have already been riding, congratulations. For those that have been waiting for the summer, now is the perfect time to get the season started. Bike to Work Week is May 25 to May 31, 2015.
On May 27th, please join the Town of Qualicum Beach for our annual “Ride with the Mayor” during Bike to Work Week. We will be meeting in front of Town Hall in Glassford square at 4:45 PM, riding towards West Qualicum Beach on a loop that will take approximately 30 minutes. The ride will finish at Town Hall where we will have refreshments for everyone.
Please forward this invitation to your friends and fellow cyclists – the more the merrier!
Luke Sales, MCIP, RPP
Director of Planning
Town of Qualicum Beach

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wembley Road announcement

Upgrades improve safety on Wembley Road

BC on the Move: Wembley Road Improvements
Transportation Tuesday, March 17, 2015 5:15 PM
PARKSVILLE - As part of B.C. on the Move, the Government of B.C.’s new 10-year transportation plan, improvements will be made to Wembley Road to make it safer for residents, schoolchildren and motorists.
Improvements to Wembley Road include:
  • 1.2 kilometres of shoulder widening on the west side of Wembley Road from the Parksville city boundary to Wright Road;
  • Installing a new cross walk, with lighting, at the Roberton Boulevard intersection; and,
  • Widening existing bus pull outs along the corridor.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Local Cyclist riding in Cycle of Life Tour

Local cyclist Jim Dimmick is riding in this year's Cycle For Life Tour event taking place on the Island in July of this year. In the past four years the Cycle of Life Tour has raised over $115,000 to support local hospices on Vancouver Island. Jim is wondering if other Oceanside riders may have an interest.

The Tour link is at :

It is possible to donate to or encourage Jim at his personal page.
The organizers of the event indicate the donors can name the hospice organization they are donating to, including Oceanside Hospice Society.

For more information Call Lynn Wood with the Oceanside Hospice Society at 250 752 6227.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Nanaimo Bike Info Night

We would like to invite you to the 2015 Nanaimo Bike Information Night which is being held at Bowen Park Complex on Thursday January 22nd 2015 from 7 to 9pm. The evening will include updates by the city and other organizations on the extension of the E&N trail, a new Bicycle Map,  the Bicycling Master plan,  and other bicycling topics & issues. We hope to generate a wide interest and to get feedback and lots of questions.