In this morning's Victoria Times Colonist I came across an article entitled "Safer cycling through mapping". The article is about a brand new web-based tool for mapping a variety of cycling-related issues in your local area ( Included in the issues are easy ways to track:
1.Danger spots,
3.Near Misses and
4.Bike Thefts.
The website, created by UVic Geographer Trisalyn Nelson, is designed to allow anyone to easily post information about cycling issues in their own local area.
I gave the website a try this morning and found it very easy to use. You can also share your information using social media. Interestingly the site also shows all cycling accidents in our local area that have been reported to ICBC. When you first access the website you are asked if you want to share your location with Bike Maps. If you click on Share, the program will go to your current location. There is a tutorial for the website and this also allows you to participate in the online forum.