Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bike To Work Week Trophy presented to Town of Qualicum Beach

Congratulations to the Town of Qualicum Beach!

John Fair of the Oceanside Cycling Coalition presents the coveted Bike to Work Week trophy to Mayor Teunis Westbrook.
Qualicum Beach won the trophy back from Parksville by having more cyclists in the annual mayor’s ride during Bike To Work Week. The trophy will be on display at Qualicum Beach town hall until next year’s ride.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Cycle Tourism Conference opportunity

We hope to see you at VeloWorks September 17 and 18, The Pinnacle at the Pier, North Vancouver, BC.
You can register at: http://veloworks.orgThe BC Cycling Coalition is teaming up with VeloWorks to help move cycling forward in BC. If you are a BC CC member, please check the box on the form and $15 will be contributed to the BCCC. If you are not a BCCC member, please sign up at:
It’s been an exciting two years. Much has happened since Velo-city Global 2012 brought over 800 cycling experts to British Columbia. Cities across the Province are adopting cycling plans aimed at encouraging more people to cycle and continuing to improve cycling cycle networks with paths and separated bike lanes.