Check out the video for this year's Bike For Your Life which aired recently on Shaw Community Channel 4:
Thanks Gord Byers for making the arrangements with Shaw to come and shoot the video.
Click here for the video
This Blog is for the Oceanside Cycling Coalition. The Coalition, located in the Parksville-Qualicum Beach area of Vancouver Island, is a member of the B.C.Cycling Coalition.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Public Information Meeting
A Public Information Meeting about a planned 38 lot subdivision located
at the corner of Yellowbrick and Wembley Roads will be held next Monday,
August 13 starting at 7:00 pm at Oceanside Place, in the Multi-Purpose
Room (2nd Floor).
Yellowbrick Road is a major connector street between Wembley Road and
the Morningstar area. On the Area G OCP, Yellowbrick Rd. has a Roadside
Trail designation. For anyone travelling along this route, they must
walk on the side of the Road - this includes students walking to/from
Oceanside Middle School.
Here is the link to the PIM notice regarding the proposal.
If you want to have a say about the proposal, come to the meeting on the
An article about the meeting appeared in the August 16 edition of the Oceanside Star
at the corner of Yellowbrick and Wembley Roads will be held next Monday,
August 13 starting at 7:00 pm at Oceanside Place, in the Multi-Purpose
Room (2nd Floor).
Yellowbrick Road is a major connector street between Wembley Road and
the Morningstar area. On the Area G OCP, Yellowbrick Rd. has a Roadside
Trail designation. For anyone travelling along this route, they must
walk on the side of the Road - this includes students walking to/from
Oceanside Middle School.
Here is the link to the PIM notice regarding the proposal.
If you want to have a say about the proposal, come to the meeting on the
An article about the meeting appeared in the August 16 edition of the Oceanside Star
French Creek Bridge Lobbying Efforts Update
Click here for the article that appeared in the August 17th edition of the PQB News.
Thank you Neil Horner for article.
If you read the article it will mention that an elderly gentleman in a medi scooter started across the sidewalk of the bridge just as we were meeting below the sidewalk. Then a person started walking across the sidewalk from the opposite side of the bridge. The walker had no choice to get around the medi scooter but to climb the railing. This is perfect example of just how inadequate the sidewalks on the bridge are for people to safely cross the bridge.
On Tuesday, August 14, MOTI Engineers David Edgar, Janelle Erwin and Winnie Wong met at the French Creek Bridge with three of our Board Members (Richard Nuesch, Gord Byers and myself), Joan Michel of RDN Parks and Trails and Neil Horner of the PQB News.
The meeting began with our presenting copies of the survey about safety concerns with the Bridge that we completed in June.
Go to the Home Page on our website to access the survey results
We then looked at all of our concerns:
1.Current Signage
2. Approaches to the Bridge - including the concrete barriers and the laneway to the walkway (sidewalk) on the bridge and
3. The sidewalks on the bridge and
4. The travel lanes on the Bridge
We emphasized that the problems - especially with the sidewalks - affect not just cyclists but anyone using the sidewalks - including walkers and mobility scooter users. Just as we were discussing this issue, a fellow on a mobility scooter started coming across the sidewalk right above us. I spoke to him about the sidewalks (He stated that "hates crossing the bridge on his scooter") and David Edgar then spoke to the fellow and measured his scooter in relation to the width of the sidewalk. As we were talking a person walking across the sidewalk in the opposite direction met up with the fellow on the mobility scooter. The walker decided that the only way he could get around the mobility scooter was to climb the railing. The "conflict" could not have been better timed and I can honestly say that we did not plan this situation in any way.
We then presented a 1 page sheet on possible solutions to each of the problems. With Joan Michel lending her voice, we emphasized that we want to see more than just erecting signs to solve the problems.
The MOTI officials made notes during the 1 hour meeting and they said they would share these with their Bridge Engineer. We were promised that we would hear back from them soon.
I have to thank Neil Horner for the article in today's PQB News.
After the meeting we discussed the need for continuing to press forward on the safety issues. One suggestion was to have a "Work Bee" at the bridge where we clean up the weeds around the concrete barriers, clean the weeds from the walkways approaching the bridge and possibly re-paint fluorescent paint on the concrete barriers at the ends of each walkway. We will also post regular updates on the website.
Thank you Neil Horner for article.
If you read the article it will mention that an elderly gentleman in a medi scooter started across the sidewalk of the bridge just as we were meeting below the sidewalk. Then a person started walking across the sidewalk from the opposite side of the bridge. The walker had no choice to get around the medi scooter but to climb the railing. This is perfect example of just how inadequate the sidewalks on the bridge are for people to safely cross the bridge.
On Tuesday, August 14, MOTI Engineers David Edgar, Janelle Erwin and Winnie Wong met at the French Creek Bridge with three of our Board Members (Richard Nuesch, Gord Byers and myself), Joan Michel of RDN Parks and Trails and Neil Horner of the PQB News.
The meeting began with our presenting copies of the survey about safety concerns with the Bridge that we completed in June.
Go to the Home Page on our website to access the survey results
We then looked at all of our concerns:
1.Current Signage
2. Approaches to the Bridge - including the concrete barriers and the laneway to the walkway (sidewalk) on the bridge and
3. The sidewalks on the bridge and
4. The travel lanes on the Bridge
We emphasized that the problems - especially with the sidewalks - affect not just cyclists but anyone using the sidewalks - including walkers and mobility scooter users. Just as we were discussing this issue, a fellow on a mobility scooter started coming across the sidewalk right above us. I spoke to him about the sidewalks (He stated that "hates crossing the bridge on his scooter") and David Edgar then spoke to the fellow and measured his scooter in relation to the width of the sidewalk. As we were talking a person walking across the sidewalk in the opposite direction met up with the fellow on the mobility scooter. The walker decided that the only way he could get around the mobility scooter was to climb the railing. The "conflict" could not have been better timed and I can honestly say that we did not plan this situation in any way.
We then presented a 1 page sheet on possible solutions to each of the problems. With Joan Michel lending her voice, we emphasized that we want to see more than just erecting signs to solve the problems.
Possible Solutions to problems with the French Creek Bridge
1.Walkways on Bridge
a. Widen the existing walkways to acceptable standards
- current width = 0.91 metre
- TAC standard = 2.0 metres plus 0.5 metre shy distance
- Problem – current sidewalks require regular maintenance due to wooden composition
b. Replace walkways with Aluminum walkways
- lighter in weight than wooden structures (allowing wider width)
- could have a safe non-skid surface that would not hold water (or snow)
- not rot out or require extensive ongoing maintenance
- Handrails can be part of the integral structural design, a safe height for cycling, and made to safely "deflect" any rider errors.
- When the bridge is eventually replaced by a new design these aluminum structures can be "re-purposed" on our area trail systems where needed for short span crossings
2.Concrete Barriers on approaches to Bridge· clean up the barriers of weeds, etc.
- make the barriers more visible – fluorescent paint
3. Bridge Deck and approaches to Walkways
· Regular sweeping
- Share the Road signage on approaches to bridge
The MOTI officials made notes during the 1 hour meeting and they said they would share these with their Bridge Engineer. We were promised that we would hear back from them soon.
I have to thank Neil Horner for the article in today's PQB News.
After the meeting we discussed the need for continuing to press forward on the safety issues. One suggestion was to have a "Work Bee" at the bridge where we clean up the weeds around the concrete barriers, clean the weeds from the walkways approaching the bridge and possibly re-paint fluorescent paint on the concrete barriers at the ends of each walkway. We will also post regular updates on the website.
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Great Debate over Helmet Laws
The following opinion piece recently appeared in the Vancouver Sun. It is written by David Hay, a bike-injury lawyer from Vancouver. I found the article to be very informative and helped to clarify a number of issues relating to helmet use when cycling. I would recommend this article to anyone interested in this controversial issue.
The Great Debate over Helmet Laws
Sunday, July 22, 2012
More information on the Comox Valley Farm Cycle Tour
Thanks to Willy van Kemenade - chair of the Comox Valley Farm Cycle Tour, here is quite a bit more information on this year's Comox Valley Farm Cycle Tour:
that gives you the information you need for now. Our website will
continue to be updated with information. See
There is a limit on the number of participants so suggest you register
in the near future. Thanks again for your interest. Feel free to
contact me if you have any other questions.
main registration location is at the Farmers Market Exhibition Grounds
4839 Headquarters Rd (past curling rink) (see page 23). We have a
second location at Coastal Black Estate Winery, 2186 Endall Road, Black
Creek (see page 23). This registration area will only be open on Aug 11
from 9-11am.
this registration location you can also register for the Aug 12
itinerary or you can go to the Bayview registration location on Aug 12
between 9 and 11am if you are only doing the Aug 12th itinerary. It’s
located at the Rest area on Buckley Bay Connector between Highway 19 and
19A (close to number 22 on page 22)
The locations of the participating farms can found by downloading the Comox Valley Growers' Guide
Maps of the farms are found on Pages 19 - 24
The locations of the participating farms can found by downloading the Comox Valley Growers' Guide
Maps of the farms are found on Pages 19 - 24
Backroads Bliss - North Route - Aug 11, 2012
Amara Farm
Berry Best Farm
Coastal Black
Comox Valley Greenhouse
Eatmore Sprouts - 2 routes
Fir Shelter Farm
Good Earth Farm
Island Bisons
New Sprout Farm - Twelve Tribes
Outback Nursery
Stone Croft Farm
Rural Ramble - Dove Creek Area - Aug 11, 2012 - Family and Novice Route
Dove Creek Market & Petting Farm
Eatmore Sprouts - 2 routes
Lloydshaven Holsteins Ltd
Mc Clintock's Farm
Natures Way Farm
Tannadice Farms Ltd
Bayviews - South Routes - Aug 12, 2012 - On this South Route there will be 2 itineraries starting from the registration location.
(Buckley Bay South)
Country Aire - 2 routes
Fanny Bay Oysters - 2 routes
Ironwood Farm
(Buckley Bay North)
Grassi Point Farm Market
Country Aire - 2 routes
Fanny Bay Oysters - 2 routes
Innisfree Farm
Royston Roasterie
Presentations from Velo City 2012
Thanks to Arno Shortinghuis with the BC Cycling Coalition, here are links to many of the presentations from the Velo-City Global 2012 Conference held in June in Vancouver:
1.European Cyclists' Federation
2.Research on Cycling Education and Cycling Accidents in Canada
3.Malmo Sweden and Planning for Cycling
4.Very Interesting Dutch Perspective on Cycling
5.Presentation on Idaho Law regarding Signage on Highways
6.The BICY Project: analysis on ways to increase cycling use in Central Europe
7.Around the World in 80 Days: Using GPS Technology to get kids cycling
8. 5 Lessons learned at Velo-City: a Good Overview of current trends in cycling
9.Reflections of conference attendees at Velo-City on Cycling Trends
1.European Cyclists' Federation
2.Research on Cycling Education and Cycling Accidents in Canada
3.Malmo Sweden and Planning for Cycling
4.Very Interesting Dutch Perspective on Cycling
5.Presentation on Idaho Law regarding Signage on Highways
6.The BICY Project: analysis on ways to increase cycling use in Central Europe
7.Around the World in 80 Days: Using GPS Technology to get kids cycling
8. 5 Lessons learned at Velo-City: a Good Overview of current trends in cycling
9.Reflections of conference attendees at Velo-City on Cycling Trends
Monday, July 9, 2012
Slow Food Cycle events
If you want to have a great experience cycling, visiting farms, sampling fresh, healthy foods and enjoying great views, try taking in a Slow Cycle event. There are 2 Slow Food Cycle events taking place this summer on Vancouver Island:
1.Comox Valley - Saturday and Sunday August 11 and 12 - Cost $15 per person -
2.Sooke Slow Food Cycle - Sunday - Sept 23 -
There are also 2 Slow Food Cycle Events on the Mainland:
1. Vancouver - Actually in Agassiz on Saturday July 28 and Chilliwack on Sunday July 29
2. Pemberton Sunday, August 19
1.Comox Valley - Saturday and Sunday August 11 and 12 - Cost $15 per person -
2.Sooke Slow Food Cycle - Sunday - Sept 23 -
There are also 2 Slow Food Cycle Events on the Mainland:
1. Vancouver - Actually in Agassiz on Saturday July 28 and Chilliwack on Sunday July 29
2. Pemberton Sunday, August 19
Thursday, July 5, 2012
ICBC funding to create a BC standard for cycling education and organize an instructor accreditation process.
The BC Cycling Coalition's Education Committee is pushing forward with it's "Right To Bike - Cycling Education for Children" initiative. ICBC has just announced funding to create a BC standard for cycling education and organize an instructor accreditation process.
Check out the BC Cycling Coalition Blog entry
Check out the BC Cycling Coalition Blog entry
Monday, June 4, 2012
Helmets - Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports has just released a report on Bike Helmets. CTV Vancouver just did a feature piece on the report plus also on how to make sure that a helmet will fit properly.
CTV's report on Bike Helmets
CTV's report on Bike Helmets
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
David Suzuki: The benefits of cycling go beyond reducing climate change
In this Georgia Straight article - March 13th - Dr. David Suzuki discusses the benefits of separated bike lanes with specific reference to Vancouver.
Thanks to John Fair for the link to the article
Thanks to John Fair for the link to the article
How Bikes Make Cities Cool - Portland
This 5 minute video - filmed entirely on bicycle - looks at the bicycle culture of Portland Oregon.
NOTE: Video is in HD and may not run on your Internet feed. To see Video, when video starts:

Thanks to Fred Pakkala for passing on the link to the video
NOTE: Video is in HD and may not run on your Internet feed. To see Video, when video starts:
Thanks to Fred Pakkala for passing on the link to the video
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