Friday, September 30, 2011

A few thoughts

Last month I spent a few days "down island" and the following are observations on this trip. In driving through downtown Langford, I came across the new "Green" bike lanes. They certainly catch one's attention and you do notice them.

Comox has a similar bike lane just recently completed on Comox Road heading towards Courtenay.

A very warm day was spent riding the Galloping Goose Trail west from Langford. What was appreciated was the lack of traffic as you head west as opposed to heading the opposite way into Victoria. Having to just cross Happy Valley Road about 3 - 4 times as you ride towards Sooke is about the only time you encounter vehicles for quite a few kms. The signage for the trail was well laid out and it was easy to follow the route. It would be great if we could have the same well-laid out signage in our area.

It will be great when the Trans Canada Trail is finished from the Victoria area to Shawnigan Lake. Apparently there are just a few kms. of trail left to complete between Goldstream Park and Shawnigan Lake. Then one could ride all the way from Victoria to the Cowichan Valley without having to ride on roads.

Here's a recent article on this project

It was amazing to see the Kinsol Trestle. I was there on a Sunday in August and the number of hikers and cyclists taking in the view was incredible. I felt that the adage - Build it and they will come - certainly holds true for the trestle. The riding surface for the trail to the Bridge is crushed gravel and very easy to ride and walk on.